Vlivkor.Com > Сценарии, Разное > Роль книг в нашей жизни Роль книг в нашей жизни28 ноября 2008. Разместил: lessons |
Открытый урок английского языка (учебник В.П.Кузовлева, 9-й класс) В первой четверти я проводила открытый урок по теме "Роль книг в нашей жизни" в 9 классе. Работаю я по учебнику Кузовлева В.П. Зная, что не все этот учебник одобряют, я решила поделиться своим опытом работы. Работаю я с учебником давно и каждый раз нахожу много нового. Считаю, что большим достоинством этого учебника является то, что он имеет много учебного материала, которым можно варьировать, в зависимости от класса, его умений, навыков, общей языковой подготовки. Кузовлев учит детей как высказать свое собственное мнение, много внимания уделяет устной речи. Очень хорошие задания учебника типа "predict" or "anticipate". По отдельным фразам, грамматическим структурам, заголовку иногда уже можно понять о чем пойдет речь в тексте, и, когда дело доходит до чтения, ученики уже легко переводят текст с помощью автора. Поэтому тема хорошо запоминается, усваивается. Задачи:
Пособия: карта Британии, стенд с книгами английских писателей; на доске – крылатые выражения о чтении и книгах; опорные сигналы с фразами-подсказками. ХОД УРОКА I. Оргмомент. Вступительное слово учителя. Books play an important role in our life because they are our teachers and advisers. They teach us how to take the next step when we are in a difficult situation. They help to shape our life. Класс предлагает варианты, я их записываю на доске: II. Literary Britain На доске – крылатые выражения о чтении. Teacher. Take a look at what famous people have said about books and reading, try to use them in your speech.
Teacher. Start speaking. Pupil 1. I invite you to join the tour around Britain. British literature is rich. You can always find a town, a city connected with a famous writer. I want to speak about Scotland, scottish literature. Pupil 2. I am going to tell you some words about Wales. Wales has not only produced celebrated writers in Welsh and English languages, it has inspired poets such as Wordsworth and Dylan Thomas, too. Here not far from Cardiff, the modern children’s writer Roald Dahl was born. Pupil 3. Now England. Pupil 4. The best place to begin a literary exploration of London is at Westminster Abbey. Here you’ll find the Poets’ Corner with monuments and tombs of outstanding writers. Pupil 5: I can’t but mention Bath. III. Групповая работа по опорным сигналам “Celebrated writers”, “My favourite writer and his/her books”. Teacher. And now work in groups. Consult the LCGG, p. 201. Опорные фразы: – Would you like to visit …
Вот так выглядели групповые ответы:
After I have given the task to work in groups my assistants helped me to work with weak pupils to check up the homework. It was ex II p 33 №1,2 (reading and translation of the text and the words, p. 39, (Педагогика сотрудничества). IV. Литературоведческая работа по опорным фразам. Teacher. Go on. Let’s discuss the next point of the plan. Is reading important? На доске написаны опорные фразы:
Pupil 1. Books play a very important part in our life. We learn many things from them. They help us in self – education, in deciding problems of life. Some books are interesting and easy to read. They are full of information about things which happen in real life. Such books are useful and give you knowledge in many fields of man’s activity. Books make me think. Some authors have a fine imagination, they hold our interest right to the end of the book by creating very believable characters. And you can spend hours with such books. “Reading makes a full man”. Pupil 2. I like to read, I have many books at home. I think there is practically no family that doesn’t have books. Books are our teachers and advisers. Our teachers recommend them to us for reading. There are many kinds of books. They are adventure stories, historical novels, books about nature, books on science, etc. Most of them describe true events, real life to the readers, they are original and funny. Such books make interesting easy reading, but others make unhappy reading. They help us to shape our life and how to take the next step when we face a difficult situation. In a word all books are various and we enjoy reading them. So, “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. V . Представление любимой книги со стенда Teacher. Now let us present (introduce) your favourite book. The whole class works. Ученик со стенда берет одну из книг. На стенде книги: “Алиса в стране чудес”, “Трагедии Шекспира”, “Айвенго”, стихи Роберта Бернса. Pupil 1. The title of the book is “Alice in Wonderland” I enjoy it very much. The author of the book is Lewis Carrol, the English writer. The book was written many years ago but it is a favourite with the children and grown ups. It tells about girl’s adventures in Wonderland, how she lived in a wonderful country. The book is interesting and easy to read. It is useful and gives you knowledge of many important things. It is the type of the book that makes me think. Pupil 2. And I want to tell you about the write of this book. Lewis Carrol – is a pen – name of Charles Dodgeson. He was a professor of Maths. He didn’t have a family of his own but his friend had. Charles often spent his free time in the friend’s family. The family had three daughters, but Charles loved the smallest one, Alice by name. Very often he told her stories which he thought over for himself. Once he told her the story of Alice which later was handwritten into a book. His friends liked the book and advised him to publish it. So, the book was published and came in 1856. On money that he received from the publishing of the book he traveled much, he visited Europe. VI. Подведение итогов. Учитель выставляет оценки. Домашнее задание: слова p.32; ex 2 p.33 – пересказ для сильных; чтение и перевод – для слабых учеников. Резервное задание: Смирнов. Тетрадь рабочая – ex 1 p.16; 7 p.22. Андреева Надежда Михайловна Вернуться назад |