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Vlivkor.Com > Ñöåíàðèè, Çèìíèå > Äåíü Ñâÿòîãî Âàëåíòèíà Äåíü Ñâÿòîãî Âàëåíòèíà26 àïðåëÿ 2007. Ðàçìåñòèë: lessons |
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Hush, darling! You should know – I love you! God: They laughed so much that didn’t notice that another arrow flew and hit the woman’s heart. The cupids stopped laughing and watched them. Couplet 2 He:
You don’t know how much I love you. She:
Hush, darling! You should know – I love you! God: These two were very happy and lived a long life. His name was Valentine and her name was also Valentine, so the Cupids called this day Valentine’s. I saw it. Since then shooting arrows at people’s hearts has become the Cupids’ profession. I told them to make all people happy, ordered them to meet every year on the 14th of February and shoot their arrows. Angel 1: Hi, Cupy! Angel 2: Cupe! How are you? Angel 1: I’m fine! And you? Angel 2: Today’s our day. What can be better? Angel 1: Let’s start! Angel 2: How impatient you are! Who shall we start with? Angel 1: Do you see that couple over there? Angel 2: Yes, I guess they don’t look happy enough. Angel 1: Get your arrow ready! Let’s do our work! Dialogue – It’s getting
late and I really hate to say good-bye, but I have to go home. Angel 1: How perfect I did it. They’ll be no worse than our Valentines. Cupy, where are you? Angel 2: Cupe! What have I done! I’ve missed… Angel 1: Oh! My God! What will happen now? Dialogue – Hey, Maria!
Here you are at last! Have you finished your exam? Angel 1: You’ve spoiled everything. Angel 2: But, my heart is in the right place. Angel 1: Now it’s my turn. I can make every loser a winner. Study this, baby. Song
“Losing My Favourite Game” Angel 2: Wow! You did it! But you are not always well-aimed. Don’t you remember how you missed last year? It was very funny! You’ve made a very faithful man a kind of Cazanova. Angel 1: It was a misfortune. But everything is OK now. Angel 2: I don’t think so. There he is. Dialogue – Hello,
Judy! You’ve been sitting here for an hour. Angel 1: Oh! Why are you crying? Everything is not so bad. Angel 2: I know, I’ve just remembered the sad legend, told by our father, about a Queen and a jester. Angel 1: I don’t know it. Tell me. Poem: “The Cap and Bells”
Angel 2: It’s a very unhappy story, isn’t it? Angel 1: Don’t worry. This is just a legend. May be it has never taken place anywhere. Angel 2: Yes, we’d better we turn to our pleasant job. What do you want? Angel 1: I want those two people to make a date. Angel 2: Oh! A first meeting is always so exciting! Dialogue – Let’s
make a date. Angel 1: Ha-ha-ha. He is so clumsy! Angel 2: It happened because he idolized her and we haven’t made them happy. Angel 1: Look! That couple doesn’t need our help at all. They already adore each other. Dialogue – Eve, I
love you so much! Angel 2: My God, give him patience! Angel 1: I’ve got a feeling Aunt Frieda will divide them. She’s like a pain in the neck. Angel 2: But they seem to be on Cloud No. 9. Angel 1: Yes, they are keeping their chins up. But leave them. Let’s have a rest. Those people seem to be despondant. Angel 2: Oh! They are so merry! Song “Loaded” Ricky Martin Angel 2: Cupe, What does it mean “gazombadam”? Angel 1: I don’t know… But this “jiggy mama”! How did they do it? Cupy, let’s do a trick. Angel 2: It’s not a good idea… Angel 1: I know, father will be angry with us, but he won’t know about it. Please! Angel 2: OK! Sink or swim. Who’ll be the subject of our trick? Angel 1: It doesn’t matter. That boy, for example. Dialogue He blinfolds her eyes – Who is
it? Angel 1: Our plan works like a dream. Angel 2: What do you mean “works”? You had to say “worked”. We won’t play tricks any more today. Angel 1: Yea! You’ve caught my idea. Angel 2: No, Cupe! Father will punish us! Angel 1: Stop boasting! Now we’ll poke our noses into the life of that married couple Dialogue – Ben… Angel 1: Who’ll be the next? Angel 2: You are a dab hand at breaking hearts. We play with fire. Angel 1: I don’t see why you always make a meal out of everything. Angel 2: Oh! What wonderful victims! Song “Are You In It For Love?” Ricky Martin Angel 1: And now we’ll… God: Kh-kh… Angel 1 and Angel 2: Father! Angel 2: We are down and out. God: Shame on you! You have failed your mission. Angel 1: But, Father, it’s not kid’s stuff to make people happy. God: I know, but you’ve broken so many hearts today. I can’t let things go this way. We have to correct your mistakes. I hope it serves you right. Help me. Let’s improve your work. Music. All couples come onto the stage. All of them are very happy. God: Now, when everybody is happy, we congratulate you on St. Valentine’s Day and wish you true and faithful love.
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