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"Egg Hunt"

11 января 2012. Разместил: lessons

Урок английского языка в 4-м классе

При подготовке к проведению урока был осуществлен подбор дополнительных упражнений, особое внимание было уделено заданиям, направленным на формирование социокультурной компетенции, воспитание толерантности к чужой культуре.


    Коммуникативная: Pp will be able to talk about the Easter traditions
    Образовательная: Pp will learn about the Easter traditions in Great Britain

Учебные задачи: introducing the new vocabulary; reading for detail; listening for checking;

Оснащение урока: лексика и речевые образцы, раздаточный материал, учебник"New Millenium English" для 4 классов, презентация Power Point.

Содержание урока:

1. Лексический материал:


Active: Easter egg, basket, bring, the Easter Bunny, hide, egg hunt, pick up

Passive: paint, suddenly, run out, pile, come from

Revision: festival, call, light, decorate with, wear, clothes, new, sing songs, dance, give, each other, present, send cards, come, enjoy, find the way out of maze, eat, delicious food, sweets, lots of, take part in sack race, have fun, listen to, make friends, would like to, interesting, exciting, thrilling, funny

2. Речевой материал:


People do something at festival

Ход урока

Начало урока

1. Приветствие

2. Сообщение темы, целей и задач урока

Our topic today is "Egg Hunt". We'll know what English people do at the Easter. (Слайд 1)

3. Warm-up

But first I wonder if you remember some words and phrases which you learned at the previous lessons.

Look at the screen. (Слайд 2)

Let's match the pictures with their meanings.

(Учащиеся должны соединить картинки с их значениями. Задание выполняется в режиме P1,P2,P3,..)

Answers: 1a 2c 3g 4f 5b 6h 7e 8d

Who can tell me what festivals you learned at the previous lessons?

Answers: Russian Winter Festival, Diwali Festival, Surin Elephant Festival, N'cwala Festival.

- What do people do at the Russian Winter Festival? (Опрос проходит в режиме P1,P2,P3,..)

Answer the question using this model. (Слайд 3)

(На слайде показан речевой образец People ___ at ___)

Suggested answers: People light fireworks/ listen to Russian music/ eat traditional food/ make a snowman/ take part in a sack race/ find the way out of a maze/ have a snowball fight/ play wooden spoons at the Russian Winter Festival.

- What do people do at the Diwali Festival?

Suggested answers: People wear new clothes/ sing songs/ dance/ decorate houses and streets with lots of diwas/ give each other presents/ send cards at the Diwali Festival.

- What do people do at the Surin Elephant Festival?

Suggested answers: People taste special food/ light fireworks/ take part in elephant races/ play elephant football at the Surin Elephant Festival.

- What do people do at the N'cwala Festival?

Suggested answers: People take part in the parade of dancers/ play big drums/ taste special fruits at the N'cwala Festival.

Основная часть урока


4. Introducing the new vocabulary

Today we are going to talk about another festival which is called the Easter.

Who knows what it means - Easter?

Suggested answer: Пасха

English celebrate the Easter on the 25th of December.

Do you want to know how people celebrate the Easter in Great Britain? I can tell you some interesting facts about it. Look at the screen. (Слайд 4)

(Учитель рассказывает детям о пасхальных традициях, используя новую лексику. При этом необходимо делать пояснения и указывать на подходящие картинки на слайде)

The tradition to decorate churches and houses with candles during Easter days was always popular. To do ornaments for Easter candles is a favourite family entertainment as it allows letting out children's imagination.

Easter eggs play an important part in Easter sports. Two traditional egg games are the Easter Egg Roll and the Easter Egg Hunt. The rules of the first game are to see who can roll a hard-boiled egg without breaking it. During the second game children find and pick up eggs, which the Easter Bunny has hidden for them. Then children should put the eggs in baskets and bring them to home

Today we'll read interesting stories about the Easter traditions.

But we need the helpers for it! These helpers are the new words, which you'll see in the texts.

They will help us not only to make the task, but also to tell about Easter traditions.

Look at the screen. (Слайд 5-6)

(Учитель знакомит учащихся с новыми словами. Для семантизацииновых слов используются слайды и/или перевод)

Easter egg

Egg hunt

Pick up

The Easter Bunny




(Для введения новой лексики используются режимы: T-Cl; T-P1,P2,P3; Chain. Таким образом, сначала проводится хоровая отработка, затем учитель выборочно спрашивает нескольких учеников, после чего все учащиеся по очереди читают слова вслух)


5. Reading for detail

Let's read the first story. It helps us to know why the Easter Bunny is a symbol of British Easter.

I'll give you the cards with the text. (Слайд 7)

Read it by yourself, please. (Учащиеся читают текст самостоятельно)

Then we'll check how you'll understand it.

Look at the screen. (Слайд 8)/ Let's check.

Is it right or wrong? (Опрос проходит в режиме P1,P2,P3,..)

The mothers had money to buy their children presents for Easter.

The mothers didn't paint eggs with lots of beautiful pictures.

When the children went to play in the forest on Easter Sunday they saw the eggs.

The children didn't know where the eggs had come from.

A bunny didn't run out from behind a pile of eggs

The children started shouting: "They are bunny's eggs! "

Answer Key: 1.False 2.False 3. True 4.True 5.False 6.True

6. Физ.минутка

Children play a lot in Britain. Do you like playing games? Let's play an interesting English game which called "Score a goal!"

Look at the pictures from ex 2 at page 31. Let's have a competition.

I'll give you the eggs and the strips of paper Blow the egg. If you score five goals you will be the winner. Play in pairs.

(Физ.минутка проводится в режиме P1=P2. На каждую парту положите пластиковое яйцо между двумя полосками бумаги. Дети одновременно дуют на яйцо с противоположных сторон. Победит тот, кто 5 раз передует яйцо за полоску - "забьёт гол")

7. Reading for detail

And now I want you to read the story about the Easter Egg Hunt game. (Слайд 9)

Open your books at page 30. We should not only read it, but also put the text in order of the pictures.

(Учащиеся должны не только прочитать, но и выстроить текст в правильном порядке, как это показано на картинках)

8. Listening for checking

Now we're going to listen to the tape. Check your answers while listening.

(Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись и проверяют, правильно ли составили текст)

Read the answers. Look at the screen (Слайд 10) and check.

(Проверка выполняется в режиме P1,P2,P3)

Answer Key: 1B 2D 3C 4A


9. Talking about the Easter traditions

And now you have to make your own texts about what people usually do at the Easter.

Look at the screen. (Слайд 11) /

You should use these phrases and ideas:

Children/ People/ Families decorate houses with candles/ paint eggs with lots of beautiful pictures/ play the traditional games/ have an Egg Hunt/ find and pick up the eggs/ put the eggs in baskets/ believe that the Easter Bunny brings the eggs at the Easter.

(Учащиеся, используя образец, рассказывают друг другу о том, что люди обычно делают на Пасху. Задание выполняется в режиме P1=P2)

Please go to the blackboard and tell us what people usually do at the Easter.

(Каждый учащийся по очереди выходит к доске и рассказывает о том, что люди обычно делают на Пасху)

Suggested Answers: Children play "the Easter Egg Roll" at the Easter.

Заключительная часть урока

10. Объяснение и записывание домашнего задания.

Оценивание работы класса. Прощание.

Скачать презентацию: http://doc.support.shpors.ru/2012/01/Egg Hunt_презентация_(support.shpors.ru).ppt

Щербинина Ольга Викторовна
Гайдай Наталья Павловна, преподаватель английского языка, руководитель практики студентов

Норильский педагогический колледж


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