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    Cinema. The Titanic
    Категория: Сценарии, Разное
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    Литературный вечер, посвященный творчеству С.Есенина и Р.Бернса
    Сценарий литературного вечера для учащихся 9 классов, посвященный творчеству Роберта Бернса и Сергря Есенина.
    Compere 1: Dear guests, dear boys and girls, thank you for coming to the party. As you see I have got 2 books in my hands. They are about my favourite poets. This one is Sergei Esenin's poems and the other one is Robert Burn's poems. And today we'll together honour the memory of Robert Burn's the famous poet of Great Britain and the national poet of Scotland and Sergei Esenin - a prominent poet of Russia and he is well - known all over the world.

    Compere 2: Let's start. Let's remember the most important dates and events of their lives, I'll show you cards with dates and you’ll say what you know about these periods their lives.

    Now the first date – 1759.

     Pupils: Robert Burns was born in 1759, on the 25 th of January. He was born in Alloway, Scotland. (Then, on the stage, the pupils perform a short play about Robert's first day of life.)

    Scene: A room in the Burn's neighbour's house. A men and a woman with a baby in her arms are sitting there. The man is making something with a hammer. The baby is asleep.

    Woman: The night is so stormy. It is snowing. Somebody is knocking.

    Husband: I'll open the door.

    Burn's mother (coming in): My dear neighbours! The storm has broken the roof of my house. May I spend this night at your place?

    Woman: Oh, dear! You are welcome! Sit down, please. Let me have a look at your baby. What a handsome boy!

    Husband: Hush! Somebody is knocking again. Who can it be? The snowstorm is so terrible!

    Woman: Oh, a stranger may have lost his way. We can't leave anyone without help. Open the door my dear.

    Gypsy (entering the room); Hello! How are you? I'm cold and wet. May I warm myself in your house?

    Woman: Of course, my dear Sarah. She is a Gypsy. She can tell fortunes.

    Gypsy: What a nice baby! Let me see his hand. Oh, this boy won't be a fool. He'll be famous! He will glorify tus family and country.

    (All the four personages recite the following lines of Burns 'poem " Robin "):

    Man: The Gossip keekit in his loof,
    Gypsy : Quo' scho wha lives will see the proof,
    This waly boy will be пае coof,
    I think we'll ca' him Robin.
    He'll hae misfortunes great and sma',
    But ay a heart aboon them a':
    All: He'll be a credit till us a',
    We'll a' be proud o' Robin,

    (Country - dance - a group of pupils).

    Compere 1: Now the second date: 1773.

    Pupils: In 1773 Robert Burns was 14. He wrote his first poem that year. It was "Handsome Nell". It was written for a girl who worked in the fild with him.

    Compere 2: Do you know when boys begin to write poems? No? Oh, it's a well – known fact. All great poets began to write poems when they fell in love with girls. The same thing happened to Robert Burns. And now listen to one more poem written by Robert Burns

    A Red, Red Rose

    O my Luve's like a red, red rose,
    That's newly sprung in June;
    O my Luve's like a melodie
    That's sweetly play'd in tune. -
    As fair art thou, my bonie lass,
    So deep in luve am I;
    And I will luve thee still, my Dear,
    Till a' the seas gang dry. -
    Till a' the seas gang dry, my Dear,
    And the rocks melt wi' the sun;
    I will luve thee still, my Dear,
    While the sands o' life shall run, -
    And fare thee weel, my only Luve!
    And fare thee weel, a while!
    And I will come again, my Luve!
    Tho' it where ten thousand mile! -

    Compere 1: In 1784, at a dancing party, Robert Burns met the "beauty of the village" - Jean Armour, the daughter of a rich master-mason. It was "love at first sight".

    (A lyrical dance a group of pupils).

    Compere 2: Jean and Robert loved each other dearly. They could be happy, but they weren't. Jean's father didn't want his daughter to marry Robert because he was poor. So Robert decided to emigrate to Jamaica. The worlds of the following poem reflect his thoughts and feelings quite vividly:

    From thee, ELIZA, I must go,,.
    And from my native shore:
    The cruel fates between us throw
    A boundless ocean's roar;
    But boundless oceans, roaring wide,
    Between my Love and me,
    They never, never can divide
    My heart and soul from thee.
    Farewell, farewell, ELIZA dear,
    The maid that I adore!
    A boding voice is in mine ear,
    We part to meet no more!
    But the latest throb that leaves my heart,
    While Death stands victor by,
    That throb, ELIZA, is thy part,
    And thine that latest sigh!

    Compere 1: Now the next very important date: 1786, August, Kilmarnock.

    Pupils: In August 1786 Burns published his poems in Kilmarnock. Their success was tremendous. The publication changed the course of Burns' life. Robert was so encouraged by the success that he decided to go to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland.

    There he was introduced to many-famous people. All were impressed his modesty, his witty conversation and excellent manners.

    Compere 2: Common people admired his poems. What do you know about this date - 1787, April, Edinburgh.

    Pupils: In April 1787 the second edition of Burns' poems appeared in Edinburgh. It brought him money and gave him an opportunity to see more of his native land. Robert made several trips around the country and saw beautiful landscapes and lochs of the Highlands. He visited some historical places, which made a great impression on him.

    Compere 1:I think the poem "My heart’s in the Highlands" was the result of this tour. So let's recite this poem all together. (The groups recite the lines of the poem in turn at the sign from the compere)

    My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
    My heart's in the Highlands a chasing the deer;
    Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;
    My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go. -
    Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North
    The birth - place of Valour, the country of Worth:
    Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
    The hills of the highlands for ever I love. -
    Farewell to the mountains high cover'd with snow;
    Farewell to the straths and green vallies below:
    Farewell to the forests and wild - handing woods;
    Farewell to the torrents and loud - pouring floods. -
    My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
    My heart's in the Highlands a chasing the deer;
    Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;
    My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go. -

    В полях, под снегом

    В полях, под снегом и дождем,
    Мой милый друг,
    Мой бедный друг,
    Тебя укрыл бы я плащом
    От зимних вьюг,
    От зимних вьюг.
    А если мука суждена
    Тебе судьбой,
    Тебе судьбой,
    Готов я скорбь твою до дна
    Делить с тобой,
    Делить с тобой.
    Пускай сойду я в мрачный дол,
    Где ночь кругом,
    Где ночь кругом,
    Во тьме я солнце бы нашёл
    С тобой вдвоём,
    С тобой вдвоём.
    И если б дали мне в удел
    Весь шар земной,
    Весь шар земной,
    С каким бы счастьем я владел
    Тобой одной,
    Тобой одной.

    Compere 1: And look at this date: 4 th, October, 1895.

    Pupils: Sergei Esenin was born on the 4 th of October, 1895 in Konstantinovo, a village lying on  the high right bank on the Oka in Central Russia.

    “Спит ковыль, равнина дорогая,
    И свинцовой тяжести полынь.
    Никакая родина другая
    Не вольёт мне в грудь мою теплынь…”

    "Drowsy faether - grass. Beloved lowlands
    Wormwood fresh and of a leaden hue.
    There's no other country that so wholly
    Calms my soul and warms me through And through..."

    Compere 2: He began writing verse early, he was about nine, but he date his serious writing to the age of 16 or 17 he said later.

    Compere 1: Ранние стихи Есенина полны звуков .запахов, красок. Звенит девичий смех, раздаётся “белый перезвон” берёз, вызванивают ивы, “звенят” удила, “со звонами плачут глухари, заливаются бубенцы, шумят тростники, играет тальянка.”

    С добрым утром!

    Задремали звёзды золотые,
    Задрожало зеркало затона,
    Брезжит свет на заводи речные
    И румянит сетку небосклона.

    Улыбнулись сонные берёзы,
    Растрепали шёлковые косы.
    Шелестят зелёные серёжки,
    И горят серебряные росы.

    Good morning!

    The gold stars are sleeping,
    The mirror - pond trembles?
    The dawn light comes creeping
    And heaven' s net reddens.

    The birch - tree smiles sleepily,
    Her silk locks free - flowing,
    Green earring are rustling,
    And silver dew glowing.

    Compere 2: A turning point in his life was the spring of 1915:

    A village dreamer,
    In the city
    A first class poet I became,

    Pupils : "I had already written the book of poems" "Radunitsa", he recalled. "I sent some the poems to St. Petersburg journals and reply, went there myself." Это была поездка в неизвестное. Он поехал без денег, без рекомендательных Писем, только богатство души - его стихи.

    Край любимый! Сердцу снится
    Скирды солнца в водах лунных.
    Я хотел бы затеряться
    В зеленях твоих отозванных.

    Land I love! Of stacks of sun shine
    Locked in cozy pools I dream.
    How I'd like to lose my bearings
    In your symphonies of green.

    Pupils: Знакомство с русским актёром Качаловым оставило свой след в творчестве Сергея Есенина. Вот как передает свои воспоминания Василий Иванович:

    “Часам к 12 ночи я отыграл спектакль, прихожу домой. Я вошёл и увидал Есенина и Джима - они уже познакомились и сидели на диване, вплотную прижавшись друг к другу, Есенин одной рукой обнял Джима за шею, а другой держал его лапу и хриплым баском приговаривал; “ Что это за лапа, я сроду не видал такой”. Джим радостно взвизгивал и лизал лицо Есенина. Сидели долго. Спорили, галдели, шумели. Джиму хотелось спать, он громко, нервно зевал, но, очевидно, из любопытства, присутствовал, и, когда Есенин читал стихи, Джим внимательно смотрел ему в рот. Перед уходом Есенин cнова долго жал ему лапу; “Ах ты, черт, трудно с тобой расстаться, Я ему сегодня же напишу стихи. Приду домой и напишу”. Так появилось стихотворение “Собаке Качалова”;

    “Собаке Качалова”

    Дай, Джим, на счастье лапу мне,.
    Такую лапу не видал я сроду,
    Давай с тобой полаем при луне
    На тихую, бесшумную погоду.
    Дай, Джим, на счастье лапу мне.

    Пожалуйста, голубчик, не лижись,
    Пойми со мной хоть самое простое.
    Ведь ты не знаешь, что такое жизнь,
    Не знаешь ты, что жить на свете стоит…

    " To Kachalov's dog"

    "Come, Jim, give me your paw for luck,
    I swear I've never seeirone like it.
    Let's go, the two of us, and bark
    Up at the moon when Nature's silent,
    Come, Jim, give me your paw for luck,

    Stop licking me, pet, and please do
    At least heed this advice I'm giving,
    Of all admire your velvet coat
    Which smilingly they love to fondle…

    P: Есенин был первым большим советским поэтом, который посетил Америку. In 1912 Esenin married Isadora Dunkan They decided to marry in Russia because they were going to America and they knew the problems which could happen there.

    In the early sunny morning they went to the registry office. When they were asked which surname they had chosen they answered-they would like to have double surname; "Duncan - Esenin". That way it was written in their passports. "Now I am Dunkan!" -cried Esenin when they left the registry office.

    P: On May 10, 1922, - they went by air to Germany, He spent nearly two years abroad touring almost the whole of Europe and traveling to America. Away from home shores he wrote very little. But he repeatedly stressed the importance for him of having visited Europe and America. Вместе с Айседорой Дункан Есенин выступал перед рабочими, Есенин читал стихи, главным образом, выходцам из России. Он читал стихи и о преобразованиях в России, и о русской природе. И тогда на лице Есенина появлялось выражения счастья. Поэт почувствовал: собравшимся понятно и дорого то, что творится в его душе.

    P: "He had had been reciting me his poems", - recalled Isadora.- "I didn't understand anything, but I felt it was music and the poems had been -written by the genius"

    P: “Я думаю, -пишет Франц Элленс - один из переводчиков стихов Есенина, - что ни одна женщина на свете не понимала свою роль вдохновительницы более по-матерински, чем Айседора. Айседора помогла организовать перевод поэмы “Пугачёв” на русский язык.

    Есенин на экземпляре поэмы “Пугачёв” сделал такую дарственную надпись Айседоре: “За всё, за все, за всё тебя благодарю я…”

    (Звучит песня “Айседора” в исполнении учащегося)

    Из - под колёс отлетает пыль,
    Дьявольская езда,
    Остановите автомобиль,
    Дамы и господа!
    Ну, вот, всё кончено, Вот и всё...
    Кругом пошла земля,
    Шарф накрутился на колесо
    И это была петля.
    О, Исидора Дункан,
    Нам случайности вечно грозят
    О, Исидора, просите шофёра,
    Чтоб ехал назад.
    О, Исидора Дункан,
    А в Париже афиши висят...
    О, Исидора, просите шофёра,
    Чтоб ехал назад.
    Скрипки настроили голоса.
    Третий звонок погас,
    Карманные воры, комси - комса,
    Вертятся возле касс.
    И вышел директор,
    И так сказал:
    “Дамы и господа”
    Мадам не придет сегодня в зал...
    Сегодня и никогда...”

    Р: Всеволод Иванов, историк и теоретик литературы, вспоминает: “ Есенин, устраивая на операцию больного друга, поэта Псарева, тем самым спасая его, спросил меня тогда: - Можно ли стихом спасти человека? Есенин ищет идеалов в писателях, поэтах. Он рассудителен, развит и понимает, насколько далеко до идеала. -Да, есть благородные помыслы, даже душевные движения, но этим всё и кончается. А нужен подвиг! Подвиг!

    Р: Есть много стихов, свидетельствующих о восторженном отношении к Есенину молодёжи тех лет:

    Сергею Есенину.

    Есенин, здравствуй! Снова, снова
    Идущий впереди меня,
    Ты даришь солнечное слово,
    Российской удалью звеня!

    И вот твоей зарёй разбужен,
    Твоими строфами бурля,
    Я сразу понял: ты мне нужен,
    Как воздух, солнце и земля.

    Виктор Мануйлов- молодой Бакинский поэт.

    Вот его ответ грядущему поколению:

    “… цветите, юные! И здоровейте телом!
    У вас иная жизнь, у вас другой напев,
    А я пойду один к неведомым пределам,
    Душой бунтующей по жизни присмирев”,

    Young people, thrive! Be fit and firm of body!
    A live that's different, different songs you know.
    While I along my lonely road to plodding,
    Forever having quelled a rebel soul.

    P: Но и тогда, But even then Когда во всей планете When feuding, Пройдёт вражда племён, lies and sorrow Исчезнет ложь и грусть, - No longer hold world of ours in thrall Я буду воспевать I still laud Всём существом в поэте With all my poet's power Шестую часть земли This one - six of the world С названьем кратким “Русь”. Which "Russia" we call,

    P: Вера в свет, в красоту жизни, в человека, одушевляющий гуманистический пафос - главное в творчестве Есенина. В “Анне Снегиной” - самом крупном произведении последних лет жизни - он писал: Я думаю: Как прекрасна Земля И на ней человек

    P: Есенин стремился - насколько это дано и возможно сделать с помощью стиха -вселить в человека веру в свет, раскрыть для него радость земного бытия, вернуть - даже глубоко несчастному надежду на избавление, сказать ему слово участия.

    Братья – миряне,
    Вам моя песнь.
    Слышу в тумане я
    Светлую весть

    P: Such was the poet's true destiny - a generous, daring, splendid and anxious one, full of dramatic deliberations, doubts, joys and light...

    Compere 1: But I've got some questions. I'd like to know why Burns and Esenin's poetry are so much loved by people.

    Pupils: Because they wrote for the people. They were kind and generous by nature. They wrote simple and beautiful songs. They were remarkable lyrical poets. They glorified true love and friendship. They wanted the people all over the world live in peace.

    Cinema. The Titanic

    level- intermediate


    T: The topic of our lesson is “Cinema. The Titanic.” We are going to have a conversation about the role of the Cinema in any society. I want you to pay your attention to the statement of the famous Scottish writer “I am a part of all I have ever met.” Will you try to understand, to analyse and even to feel it.

    2.Warming up:

    T: Let’s consider the following questions:

    -Why does Cinema play an important role in the life of any society?

    -Why is the Cinema an excellent vehicle of culture?

    -Do you find the Cinema is a new form of instruction and entertainment?

    -Why are its possibilities unlimited?

    -What kind of films do you know? Which of them do you prefer?

    -Are you fond of true-to-life films? If so, why?

    - Which film left a deep and lasting impression upon you?

    T: As far as I see you understand the role of the Cinema. You mentioned the film “The Titanic”, you said it was a hit 3-4 years ago. One of the former pupils of ours left a composition on the topic, will you listen to it:

      3. Presentation of the vocabulary:

     T: I’d like to know if you remember the new words on the topic.

    Find the synonyms to the words:

    1) courage

    2) sense of duty

    3) faithfulness

    4) fortune

    5) generosity

    6) the screen version

    a) nobleness

    b) trustworthy, true

    c) fate, luck; chance as power in humankind’s affairs

    d) ability to control fear, bravery

    e) special or variant form on TV

    f) moral obligation

      4.Listening comprehension:

      1) Pre-listening task

    T: Teens were nearly crazy about the film. Why were many people impressed by it so much? What did “The Titanic” reflect? Why is the film worth seeing?

      2) While-listening task

    T: I offer you to fill the gaps while listening to the text.

    a) I always try to watch films which are .

    b) My favourite Russian are , ,

    c) The picture the mystery of the tragic love and death,  faithfulness.

    d) From beginning to end the audience are in a state .

    e) The actors created images.

      Key: 1) The season’s hit; 2) Konchalovsky, Mihalkov, Ryasanov; 3)reflects; courage; sense of duty; 4) of excitement; 5) true-to-life

    “Why I was so impressed by the film”

    I can’t say that I am a cinema goer, but I always try to watch films which are the season’s hit. I am fond of the screen versions of different novels. For example I appreciate “War and Peace”, “Gone with the Wind”, “Spartak”.

    My favourite Russian directors are Konchalovsky, Mihalkov and Ryazanov. My favourite Hollywood director is Francis Coppola.

    The film I have been recently impressed is “The Titanic” by James Kameron. “The Titanic” is the most exciting film I have seen this year. The film is devoted to the real events which took place in 1912 in the Atlantic.

    The picture reflects the mystery of the tragic love and death, courage, sense of duty, faithfulness.

    Respectable and well-known people and among them a painter without a penny, who found his love on the board of the liner.

    “The Titanic” is thrilling, astonishing and absorbing. From beginnig to end the audience are in a state of excitement.

    The film stars are: Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio who created true-to-life images.

    The film is worth seeing.

    2.Post-listening task

    Answer the questions:

    1. Is she a cinema-goer?

    2. What is she found of?

    3. Which screen versions does she appreciate?

    4. Which film has she been recently impressed by?

    5. What does “The Titanic” reflect?

    6. How does she characterise the film?

    7. Is film worth seeing according to her opinion?

    8. Why do you think she recommends to see it?

    9. Do you appreciate films about generosity, sence of duty, faithfulness?

      Sharing opinions about favourite scenes in the picture.

    T: I want to share with my opinion about my favourite scence in the picture. (Showing the episode from the film when the main characters are on the stern of the liner).

    T: “It’s thrilling, exciting, wonderful! As if they are alone in the Universe! It seems to me that the episode symbolizes the following: people who find true love and have generous hearts can do a lot: for themselves, for the planet they live, for people!”

    Will you share your opinions about your favourite scenes in the picture?

    1. Role play: “The meeting of Leo DiCaprio with his fans”.
    2. T: Can you imagine anybody else in this role? For example Gibson or Hoffman?

    3. Summing up.

    T: You persuaded me that you are fond of true-to-life films, films devoted to love, generosity, sense of duty. And I have got several questions:

    -If you were a film director which films would you produce? And which films would you never produce?

    -If you were a director of a TV program which films would you show regularly?

    -And at last if you had the opportunity which 3 or 2 films would you include in “The Best Films of the 20 century?”

      7. Home task.

    Write a short composition on one of the following topics:

     -If I were a film director…

    -The best film of the 20 century

    -My favourite episode in “The Titanic”
    Машко Лидия Алексеевна, учитель английского языка,

    физико-математический лицей, г. Норильск


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