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    В основе работы лежит знакомство с фактами биографий и произведениями британских писателей. Материалы могут быть использованы как на уроках при прохождении тем «Книги», «Выдающиеся личности Великобритании», для проведения внеклассных мероприятий по предмету, так и на элективных курсах по страноведению на старшей ступени обучения.


    1. Ознакомление обучающихся с краткими биографическими данными английского писателя Чарльза Диккенса;
    2. Обучение использованию в устной речи грамматического материала: сослагательное наклонение, инфинитив, герундий, временные глагольные формы;
    3. Совершенствование речемыслительной деятельности обучающихся через беседу с учителем, монологи и диалоги по теме;
    4. Воспитание желания мыслить, совершенствовать английскую речь.
    5. Закрепление грамматического материала в драматизации сцены из романа Ч. Диккенса « Дэвид Копперфильд»


    1. портреты английских писателей Вильяма Шекспира, Даниэля Дефо, Чарльза Диккенса, Джерома.
    2. Классная доска с выписанными лексикой и оборотами.
    3. Для сцены: кувшин, посуда, вилки, ложки, стол, скатерть, 2 стула, 6 отбивных котлет, 4 картофелины, пудинг.

    План урока.

    1. Организационный момент.

    Good morning, boys and girls. Take your sits, please.

    Today we are going to speak about great English writers. While speaking about them try to use as much as possible the Subjunctive Mood, the Infinitive, The Gerund, The Modal Verbs and the words and expressions from the blackboard.

    2. Речевая зарядка.

    And now listen to my questions and answer them in every possible way.

    1. What person can be called an outstanding ( famous) person?
    2. As for me, I`m interested in reading works by the great English writers. If you me, what English writers would you read?
    3. I`m interested in them because I`m teacher of English and why are you interested in them?
    4. Have you got any works by English writer in your library?
    5. Imagine, if you met Conan Doyle or Charles Dickens, what would you ask them about?
    6. If you were an Englishman/woman would you be proud of these famous people? Why? Prove your point of you.

    3. Проверка домашнего задания.

    Teacher: Your answer were good enough and now we`d like to listen to your short stories about your favorite English writers. Who wants to be the first?

    (Учащиеся представляют свои рассказы).

    Teacher: Thank you very much. Your stories are rather interesting.

    4. Работа над диалогами.

    Teacher: And now I`d like you to have short dialogues.

    The first topic: You have just seen the play « The Pickwick Club». Share your opinion with your friend.

    The second topic: Advise your pen-friend to read the book « Three men in a boat» by Jerome K. Jerome.

    5. Ознакомление обучающихся с биографией Ч. Диккенса.

    Teacher: Have you read any books by Charles Dickens?

    I`ll tell you about him with pleasure. But I want you to ask me questions about him . OK? Who`s the first?

    P1: When and where was Ch. Dickens born?

    T: he was born in 1812 at Portsmouth. His father was a clerk and a happy –go-lucky, irresponsible man. He had eight children.

    P2: I think, Charles childhood was not happy. Did he get any education?

    T: He went to school not more than two years, but his mother was a well- educated woman and she tought him to read and write. At nine he could read «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defo. The family moved to London and soon Charles` father was taken to prison, for debt. Mrs. Dickens with her younger children went to prison too, to join the husband, because they could not provide their living,

    P3: How did ye begin to write?

    T: It was a long way to it. Being nine years old, Charles went to work at a factory. He was very human, very clever and without clever friends. He was very unhappy. Every day he went to prison to have breakfast and supper. At last he managed to enter a lawyer`s office. He learnt shorthand. He could make short reports in the House of Commons for newspapers. And only at the age of 22 he was taken to work in the newspaper “ The Morning Chronicle”. He went all over the country getting news, writing up stories, meeting people and using his eyes. From that time his career began. 2

    P 4: Would you tell us what are his most popular novels?

    T: His first novel was “ The Postumous Papers of the Pickwick Club”, “Oliver Twist”, “ Nickolas Nickleby”, “ The Old Curiosity Shop”, “ Little Dorrit”, “ The bleak House”. “David Copperfield is his bestseller because Charles Dickens was the prototype of David Copperfield.

    6. Драматизация отрывка из романа «Дэвид Копперфильд» Чарльза Диккенса.

    (Гостиная постоялого двора. Стол накрыт скатертью. Хозяйка сметает пыль со стульев. Входит Дэвид, мальчик 10 лет.)

    Landlady: Are you the little gentleman from Blanderstone?

    David: Yes, Madam. ( вскакивает со стула).

    Landlady: What name?( пропускает глагол “is” -19 век).

    David: Copperfield, Madam.

    Landlady: That won`t do. Nobody`s dinner is paid for here in that name.

    David: is it Murastone, madam?

    Landlady: If you name is Master Murdstone, why do you go and give without name first?

    David: I`m realy Copprfield, David Copperfield, but my father died and my mother married Mr. Murdstone, so that`s her name now.

    Landlady: Oh, see. Well, your dinner` ready. I`ll get it send in. (Звонит звонком). William ! William! (Входит официант). William, bring in dinner for this gentleman. ( Она выходит). Вильям вносит блюдо с отбивными котлетами, тарелки, стакан, кувшин и т.д).

    Waiter: Now then, six foot, come on. ( уставился на Дэвида, который все больше смущается от пристального взгляда официанта). There`s half a pint of beer for you, shall I get it now?

    David: Yes, please. (официант наливает стакан вина и поднимает его к свету).

    Waiter: My eye! It seems a lot, doesn`t it?

    David: Yes, it does seem rather a lot.

    Waiter: ( все ещё держит вино): There was a gentleman here yesterday, a rather fat gentleman of Topsawyer – perhaps you know him?

    David: No, I don`t think I do.

    Waiter: Fellow with a grey coat, big hat-

    David: No, I`m sorry, I haven`t the pleasure- 3

    Waiter: He came in here, ordered a glass of beer, would order it – I told him not to do – drank it and fell dead. It was too for him. This beer ought not to drunk, that`s the fact.

    David: How terrible. Perhaps - do you think I had better have some water?

    Waiter: Well, you see, the landlady gets annoyed if thing are ordered and then left. But I`ll drink it if you like. You see, I`m used to it, and use is everything. I` don`t think it will hurt me if I thow my head back and get it down quickly. Shall I ?

    David: I should be much oblied if you are quite sure it won`t hurt you ?

    Waiter: Well, we`ll see. ( он одним глотком выпивает, ни уронив ни капли, Дэвид смотрит сперва со страхом, потом успокаивается. Официант ставит стакан. Берет вилку и втыкает в блюдо с отбивными). Why, what have you got here? Not chops ?

    David: Yes, chops.

    Waiter: Lord, bless my soul. I didn`t know they were chops. Why, a chop is the very thing to get rid of the bad effects of that beer, Isn`t it lucky ? ( берет отбивную и картофелину).

    David: have another chop. That needs two.

    Waiter: I will- and a potatoe. If only we`d had chops and potatoes when Topsawyer drank that beer we might have saved his life.

    David: There`s still one more chop. Won`t you have that ?

    Waiter: Well, perhaps it would be safer, why there`s another potatoe too – better take that and then I think I`ll be quite safe. ( С отбивными и картофелем покончено, официант уносит посуду и выносит пудинг. Дэвид начинает есть).

    Waiter: How`s the pie?

    David: It isn`t a pie, it`s a pudding.

    Waiter: Pudding! Why, bless my soul, so it is ! ( Подходит). You don`t mean to say it`s a plum pudding ?

    David: Yes, indeed it is.

    Waiter: (Берет большую ложку) Why, a plum pudding is my favourite pudding. Isn`t it lucky. Come on , boy, let`s see who gets most. ( Оба едят, Дэвид маленькой ложкой и очень медленно, официант большой и очень быстро). Come on, you`re getting behind.

    David: Well, your spoon is so much bigger.

    Waiter: There`s just one little piece more. Ah! I just beat you for that. Well, it was a good pudding, wasn`t it and I like a bit of fun, don`t you ? 4

    David: ( очень сомнительно): Yes, I must go now. Is there anything else to pay for besides the dinner ?

    Waiter: No, there`s nothing except the waiter.

    David: What should you – what ought I, - what would it be right to pay the waiter, please ?

    Waiter: Well, if I hadn`t a family and that family wasn`t all ill, I wouldn`t take sixpence. ( Почти плачет). If I had a good place and was treated well, I should ask you to accept something from me instead of taking it from you. But all I get to eat are dry crust and I sleep on the coals. ( прячет лицо в руки).

    David: Well, here`s a shilling.

    Waiter: Thank you, sir, thank you. You are a good gentleman. Thank you. Whenever you come here again, ask for me. ( Входит хозяйка постоялого двора).

    Landlady: Come on, the coach is waiting. Here, William, help him into the coach. ( Официант уводит Дэвида к карете. Хозяйка смотрит на стол).

    Landlady: Bless my soul, he`s eaten six chops and the whole pudding. He`ll need helping into the coach. ( Кричит извозчику): Take care of that child, George, or he`ll burst ! ( Занавес).

    Teacher: Do you like the performance?

    Pupils share their opinions.

    Teacher: The lesson is over. Good bye.

    Дегтярёва Жанна Львовна, учитель английского языка

    МОУ СОШ №35, г. Осинники, Кемеровская обл.


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