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    урок по английскому языку в 9-м классе

    На уроке в 9-м классе поднимаются экологические проблемы, вызванные влиянием человека на окружающую среду.

    Цели урока:

    • развивающая – а) повышение интереса к языку, б) развитие умений и навыков владений, в) развитие языковых и познавательных способностей;
    • воспитательная – а) воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка, б) воспитывать любовь к природе.
    • образовательная – расширение эрудиции учащихся.
    • практическая – совершенствование диалогической и монологической речи.

    Задачи урока:

    1. практиковать языковые навыки;
    2. закрепить речевые образцы и новые слова по теме “Экология и окружающая среда”;
    3. тренировать в употреблении языковых структур, в аудировании;
    4. познакомить с целями и задачами международных экологических организаций;
    5. создать программу о защите окружающей среды.

    Оборудования и наглядные пособия:

    Видеомагнитофон, магнитофон, географическая карта мира, плакат с “Программой защиты окружающей среды”, плакат со стихотворением П.Сигера “Это земля - для тебя и для меня”, учебник “Happy English II” Клементьевой Т.Б., рабочая тетрадь “Happy English II №III” для 7-9 классов Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю., аппликации в виде цветов со словами, обозначающими светлые чувства и светлые мысли.

    План урока:

    1. Организационный момент

    2. Фонетическая зарядка

    3. Речевая зарядка

    4. Домашнее задание

    5. Просмотр видео и описание увиденного

    6. Физкультминутка (песня)

    7. Выполнение упражнения №5 на странице 340

    8. Домашнее задание

    9. Итоги

    Ход урока

    1 Организационный момент

    Teacher: Good morning, my friends! Sit down please! I am glad to see you! Today we have many guests and we are glad to see them too. Let’s begin our lesson.

    Teacher: Who is on duty today? -- Pupil: I am on duty today.
    T.: Who is absent? -- P.: Nobody is absent.
    T.: What day is it today? -- P.: It’s the 19-th of February.
    T.: What day of the week is it today? -- P.: It’s Thursday.
    T.: What theme is it today? -- P.: Ecology and environment.

    T.: That’s right. Thank you. Sit down, please. We are conserned about the ecology today. That is why we have a talk about the ecology and environment. That is why we decided to make a programme to protect the environment, to save the nature, to keep the Earth clean. What do we do to keep the Earth clean? Class (хором) – We love the Earth – our home.

    T.: What do you do keep the Earth clean? (Обращаясь к ученику №1, начало речевой зарядки).

    P1.: I don’t smoke. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P2.: I don’t throw litter in public places. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P3.: I stop using the aerosol spray. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P4.: I buy milk in cartons. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P5.: I plant a tree every year in the garden. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P6.: I don’t use Chemicals in the garden. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P7.: I pick up litter as walking in the forest. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P8.: I never break glass bottles. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P9.: I don’t cut wild flowers. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P10.: I save the family’s newspaper to recycle. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P11.: I don’t use pesticides. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P12.: A don’t use alcohol. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P13.: I turn off the light when I leave the room. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P14.: I water the home flowers. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P15.: I water the lawn early in the morning. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P16.: I plant flowers in the garden. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    P17.: I never buy a fir tree to a New Year holiday. What do you do to keep the Earth clean?

    T.: I save water. What do you do to keep the Earth clean? (обращается к классу).

    Class: We love the Earth – our home. (хором)

    T.: Those are the items of our programme keeping the Earth clean. Let’s read our programme. (Показывает на доску, читают хором программу, которую составили ребята, соединили и обобщили вместе).

    T.: Well, let’s watch video and discuss a fragment of the film.

    I. Включается видео (изображение прекрасной земли, природы).

    (Начало диалога - описания увиденного на видео).

    T.: How beautiful the Earth is, the Earth our planet is! The Earth is our home, our land. The Earth was made beautiful for you and me. Our land is nice, isn’t it?

    P1.: Our land is full of beautiful flowers, plants, trees which grow and blossom in the meadows, on the banks of the rivers and lakes, in the forests and in our gardens.

    T.: That’s right. We know many poems about our land. Let’s read one of them. (Показывая на текст стихотворения на доске, вместе хором чтение стихотворения “Это земля для тебя и для меня”!

    This land is your land, this land is my land

    From California to New York Irelands.

    From the Red Wood forests to the farthest bodies,

    This land was made for you and me.

    T.: Good. Let’s watch video and answer, please: “What causes land pollution?”

    II Включается видео (– о загрязнении окружающей среды).

    T.: What have you just watched? What are your ideas about this film?

    P2.: Many flowers and animals have become rare and vanish. Our useful insects: bees, bumblebees, butterflies, dragonflies, grasshoppers can’t live in the atmosphere of chemicals and pesticides. Excessive radiation and transport are harmful to people and animals. But industry is developing some times without any care of the environment. The progress of science causes global disasters and polluted our beautiful planet. When air, land or water becomes dirty, we say it is polluted. We know that polluted air, land and water are harmful to plants, animals and people. We must save our nature.

    P3.: We are part of the earth and it is part of us. We are all part of natural environment and need to be responsible for our interactions with our environment. We fly to other planets and discover old manuscripts. We release tremendous energies. We create artificial intellect and get to the depths of the ocean. We are human beings and we must keep our common house, our Planet Earth in a good state. We are really one with nature, our planet and the Universe, being connected with them by every cell of our being. We are the care takers of the Earth.

    T.: How can we keep the Earth clean? How can we protect the environment? That is the question. And the answer is our programme.

    P4.: To answer this question we must first of all learn the meaning of the word “ecology”. Ecology is a science which studies relationship between all forms of life on our planet with its environment. This word came from the Greek “oikos” which means “home”. This idea of home includes the whole planet of ours; it’s population, the Nature, animals, birds, fish, insects, all other living beings and even the atmosphere around our planet.

    T.: Do all of them live a happy and healthy life in our home nowadays?

    P5.: Unfortunately, it is not so. Indeed, many territories, water basins, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans – and the atmosphere are polluted with all kinds of technological, agricultural, chemical, nuclear and other wastes.

    T.: Right you are. What do you think about the water of the ocean?

    P5.: We can only imagine how dirty the water of the ocean is; the water is not blue, but brown with rubbish, floating in it. Besides, millions of tons of oil are released into the sea every year. And many seabirds and animals die because of it. For example, many seabird and animals died in 1999, because of mln tones of oil released into the North Sea. It’s dangerous to nature and it’s dangerous to human being too.

    T.: Right you are. And let’s watch video and answer the questions: What to we do to keep water clean? What can we recycle?

    II. Включается видео (изображение загрязненной воды, рек и моря мусором).

    T.: And what can we do? How can we keep the Earth clean?

    P.: We must all strive for the clean environment. First ofall pick litter you see as you are walking. Pick up litter! Don’t throw litter in public places! Recycle newspapers! These items are the first of the programme!

    T.: Good! But pay attention, please!

    III. Включается видео (о загрязнении окружающей среды, диалог об увиденном).

    T.: Much ought to be done to keep the planet suitable for living. People will have to take measures to protect the ozone layer. You know in the atmosphere there is the O.L. It protects the Earth from the dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun. But the ozone layer is destroyed by a stuff that aerosol sprays and refrigerators contain. And the dangerous rays get through the atmosphere, causing skin cancer and other diseases. Among 20% (twenty percents) of the ozone layer were destroyed in 1996. Can people solve the problem?

    P6.: I think people will be able to solve this problem. We must stop using the aerosol spray right now. Well, the next item of the programme is: “Don’t use aerosol spray!”

    T.: Good. And what causes air pollution? (Children, you may look at the articles from your books, page 326)

    P7.: Farmers often spray chemicals on crops to protect them against pests. These chemicals are called pesticides. The pesticides mix with water, the sulfates mix with clouds and they can cause acid rains. Acid rains are every harmful and dangerous. They harm lakes, rivers and plants – and the creatures that need them. Only in Russia acid rains harm 46 mln quarter kms of land. As a result, acid rains can cause health problems too.

    T.: So what can we do to protect nature from acid rains?

    P8.: Don’t spray chemicals! Don’t spray pesticides on crops! And these items are our programme’s items too!

    T.: Well, do you love nature? I love it.

    P8.: I love it too. When I was a little girl

    I left already that nature was the place

    Where I like to stroll in the woods, enjoying

    The trees, gathering mushrooms and thanking

    Mother Nature for each of them.

    T.: It’s understandable the physical basis and the energy of those feelings. We are really one with nature, with the environment, with the Earth. We mustn’t destroy it.

    Thus the next item of the programme is don’t destroy nature, isn’t it?

    P9.: Yes, it is. But our technical civilization thinking only of material goods succeded in destroying nature and creating the ecological crisis on our planet. For dozens of years the national economy focused large projects. Including projects in what was called the transformation of nature. Blunders were committed that caused environmental disasters.

    T.: That’s right. And again we are watching video. How does industry harm to people?

    IV. Включается видео. (О радиации, описание увиденного).

    T.: How do nuclear stations harm? (Children, you may consult the articles from your working notebooks, page 58).

    P10.: Public anxiety has grown particularly after the Chernobyl disaster. Another reason is the adverse effect of nuclear stations and hydropower stations to the environment. You know that there are 11 (eleven) nuclear stations in Russia. Besides there are still nuclear weapons in some countries. As a result the environment is polluted with the industrial and nuclear waste. It is dangerous to nature and to people, especially to kids. And we must say – No nuclear station! No atom bomb! Let’s read the poem “Child’s wish”.

    T.: Do you remember a poem against atom bomb?


    I want to live and not to die
    I want to laugh and not to cry
    I want to feel the summer sun
    I want to sing when life is fun
    I want to fly into the blue I want to swim as fishes do
    I want to stretch out friendly hands
    To all the young of other lands
    I want to live and not die
    I want to laugh and not to cry
    I want to mate, No atom bomb

    My shining world!

    T.: Well, that is the next item of the programme. No atom bomb! No nuclear stations! People must save themselves. But we must save our wildlife too. Attention, please.

    V. Включение видео (Green Peace). Обсуждение увиденного.

    T.: We must save our nature, the woods and forests. But many trees have been cut every year. And many animals, birds, plants have become extinct. What do you know about them?

    P12.: For example, blue whales are the largest and the most impressive animals ever to have lived on Earth. But they were hunted so ruthlessly that by 1963 their population had been reduced to fewer than a thousand.

    T.: Could you name any animals which are under threat? Go to the map and show them, please!

    P13.: The following animals are under threat: blue whale, maned wolf, American alligator, Asiatic elephant, orangutan, pygmy, hippopotamus, black rhinoceros , ghost bat, golden shouldered parrot and many others. (Показывает на карте).

    T.: Thank you. Sit down, please. AПnd again let’s watch video. What does harm to our planet?

    VI. Включается видео. (Птицы и рыбы в загрязнении, рубка деревьев).

    Обсуждение увиденного.

    T.: Could you name any more living beings which are under threat?

    P13.: Many plants are under threat: especially fir - trees. Every New holiday many trees have been cut and it is our challenge to restore an ecological balance of nature on our planet.

    T.: That’s right. You know, there are many public movements for environmental protection. What do you know about them?

    P1.: In recent years people have become more sensitive to the nature. Still more public organizations and unofficial environmentalist movements have been established every year. In 1987 a “Green Peace” public commission has been set up. Its main goal is to combine the people’s efforts for peace and environmental protection.

    “Travels for Peace and Nature” is the name of another public movement that appeared in Russia some years ago. It concentrates its efforts of theory and practical work. The movements launches all kids of environmental actions and informs the public of the ways, means and results of this work. Russia is cooperating in the field of environmental protection with the United States, Canada, Norway, Finland and other countries. Russia and the United States are carrying out joint projects to study and protect the environmental system of the Arctic and Subarctic regions and also study some of the natural processes in the permafrost zone.

    T.: Well, my friends, I think, everybody knows, how we can help our nature to protect the environment. We can help the Earth, working hard, cleaning the environment and planting trees, studying and loving nature.

    T.: What else can we do?

    P.: Let’s plant trees.

    T.: Let’s plant a seed of a tree in a small pot every New Year holiday and take care of it and when it grows let’s plant the tree to the garden. Let’s make it a good tradition in our life. P.:(Показывает кедровый орех, сажает в землю в горшочек и поливает).

    The next item of our programme is – Plant a tree every year! Protect the environment!

    T.: Good! And then we can save our planet, we can keep our Earth clean and beautiful.

    VII. Включается видео (Красота Земли).

    T.: Let everybody remember – we have only one Earth. And it is our challenge to keep it clean and healthy for us and for future generations. The Earth is our home.


    This land is your this land is my land
    From the Arctic regions to the Southern Irelands.
    From the Redwood forests to the farthest bodies
    This land was made for you and me.


    We are concerned about the ecology today.
    That is why we have made the programme

    Protecting the environment. So let’s repeat the items of the programme. (Ребята читают по каждому пункту программы).

    T.: And we know many poems and songs about nature. Let’s sing one of them. (Ребята поют песню).


    Во время исполнения песни дети выполняют танцевальные движения с воздушными шариками, приготовленными заранее.

    Подводятся итоги урока, поощряются учащиеся, активно участвовавшие на уроке, выставляются оценки.

    Объявляется домашнее задание, в котором каждый учащийся должен принести на следующий урок статью собственного сочинения об экологии родного города.

    T.: Thank you. We love our land. But what feelings can help us to save the Earth? (Ребята читают слова, обозначающие светлые чувства и мысли, на цветных аппликациях, прикрепленных к карте).

    P1.: …Love, belief, trust, happiness…

    T.: Good. Thank you. Today we have a talk about nature. We can help the Earth. We love the Earth.

    Teacher: Our lesson is over. Good buy, my friends.

    Class: Good buy!!!

    Из кабинета сначала выходят гости, а затем учащиеся.

    Айткулова Ляля Иршатовна, учитель английского языка, руководитель ШМО
    МОУ "Башкирская гимназия № 25", г. Салават, Башкортостан


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